Situation right now is that Pixelmad only outputs Artnet universes if changes of values occurred on this universes.
It will also update the values of a not changed universe after a period of some seconds.
This method complies with the original Artnet protocol and helps reducing Artnet traffic.

The problem is if the recieving unit drops (whyever) one packet of the traffic it might be in the wrong state for another 5 seconds...
I have seen this at Live Earth Hamburg for the first time - and I thought it was the fault of the ELC node8 hardware used to decode Artnet to DMX.

I would prefer an option to have a continous Artnet stream at 25 updates per second. This will work in 100 Mb/s and !gb/s networks - of course it will be a problem with original 10 Mb/s hardware.

There is also another issue with non-continous Artnet sending: What should the recieving unit output on the DMX side between new packages? I can only repeat the last packet.
As the DMX refresh rate is different to the playback rate of a movie you will see frame holds or even frame drops on the output side - that is not in favour of fluently running playbacks...
The Artnet interface in the SchnickSchnackSystems Power Supply 4E does sychronize the output to the Artnet input. That means one packet in - one packet of DMX out. This way the output will be synced to the playback rate.
It it will not work correctly with non-continous streams.

What are others´oppinions on this?