Holger what we saw on Monday were effects between the 3 layers of control: The Pixelmad output, the decoding in the System power Supply 4E and finnaly the DMX decoding in the Kachel B PCB itself.

Pixelmad: Only send out changes on Artnet. Universes without change will not be transmitted. See new thread "Continous Artnet stream..." in Pixelmad feature requests.

System power Supply 4E: The DMX output of the Artnet interface is synced to the input. One packet in on the Artnet side will be one packet out on DMX side to keep the timing of the Artnet stream. This means with pixelmad there is no continous stream of DMX either.

Kachel B software: The software in Kachel B was originally optimized to work perfectly with the DMX output of a Wholehog 2 console which featured a constant DMX framerate (okay, if it is not overloaded...)
The software feature a Flash/Fade recognition function - and this will only work with more than one frame of DMX being updated... (slow changes will optimze the fade with interpolation - rapid changes will flash)
Developers promise to have a update version of Kachel B ready by end of January that will work better with media servers.