in my opinion Catalyst Rack don't need to be a workstation . Because Catalyst it's not a workstation .

Catalyst it's just a server you don't need to operate it during showtime and you don't need monitor feedback .

What I'll like to suggest you if are thinking to do some investment it's to buy a little Mac Book ( around 1000 euro ) Two monitors ( around 700 euro ) And if you are using 2 TH2G 6 monitor will cost more then 2 macbooks .

monitor are a waste of space and you don't need it to operate Catalyst .
Also by not using the monitor you save money for the video distributors .

Read this

Also think any monitor you are going to buy have a specific size , not the screen it self , talking about the monitor . If you build the flight case around the monitor it self , you will see that you spend money for nothing . Monitor a super consumer , in half year time you will be not able to found same monitor size in the market , and your flightcase will be useless to store your monitors .

Hope this help