Quote Originally Posted by kiwi View Post
I wasn't actually suggesting doing away with the stacking order, I was referring to layer behaviour (highest takes precedence/latest takes precedence) when controlling layers in multiple ways.
I think I follow you on this. More often than not, I'll put a stack of four layers on four faders. Having the ability to make the two highest intensity layers override the playback function of the two lower would mean that if I accidentally bump fader 1 above 0% then it won't compromise playback on layer 3 and 4 on machines with slower hard disks. (Intensity trigger mode).

As for LTP, There are several VJ programs that allow you to trigger one video for playback and then the second key press puts another layer always on top. Imagine if you have a motion back and an animated text over black. These are your two layers. The show is live and by the seat of your pants. You throw the motion back into layer 8 and you quickly need the motion text to come up but 8 is the highest in the stack so you put it in layer 7. By LTP, I mean that if I trigger a intensity above zero then the latest would run in the highest order on the stack so that in this case the text would appear over the motion back.