have you set this up and tested it work - the way you need it to - yet?
I hope you have x1900 graphics cards - on the 7300 it works in the first instance - as soon as you try to do anything fancy it stops working.

i keep asking this - because you are suggesting a scenario that is very close to the edge-
if you get performance problems - or it doesnt work correctly - there is nothing whatsover i can do - you have simply hit the performance limits of the machines.

You do not have infinite resources available - there are very real limits - and you hit them quite soon.

You must test in your proposed scenario - with you entire system - well in advance - with your content - and make changes if it doesnt work-

There really is nothing i can do.

There is a wall there - and you dont know you have hit it - until it stops working.


Also - you are really on the edge with any laptop system - the entire time - they dont have any extra capacity.
You must test these things for yourself- with your requirements. Every users needs are subtely different- with different circumstances.