All the config settings for pixelmad are stored in a number of files in the pixelmad application folder (where the main executable file is)

pixelmad intel_settings.xml (or pixelmad PPC_settings)
PixelMAD Fixtures.txt

The application saves these files every time you quit. SO, as long as you had restarted the application at some point - these files will get you back to your last restart.

If you had no presets or colour presets - dont bother with these files - the 2 key files are: 'pixelmad intel_settings.xml ' and 'PixelMAD Fixtures.txt'

PixelMAD Fixtures.txt will only exist if you saved your pixel map - else, you may have to import it again, or start from scratch....

From the file names - hopefully its obvious what each file contains.
If you copy the files in to a new directory with your updated PixelMAD version, the settings should be restored.

If your current version does not work for you , try the newer version on the web: V2.2_f82_UB

As for the lack of text in the minimised window, im unsure of the reason. Sometimes it happens when the screen is forced to full at startup (as set in preferences) and there is no 2nd screen present - check your connections...

What were the circumstances prior to crash?

Do let me know if you manage to get your settings back
