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Thread: Catalyst v4.1 m152

  1. #1

    Catalyst v4.1 m152

    04 oct 07 - m147

    Please test-

    - obsolete
    Some new features-

    20% improvement in photojpeg performance.
    Improved support for 'Apple intermediate codec', dvcproHD, and other hi-def codecs.
    Apple intermediate codec gives up to 7 layers @ 25fps 1080p on 8 core Mac pro and MTRON sata SSD on intel.
    Previews in sub-mixes
    Intensity smoothness for desks with low dmx rates. Hogpc seems to only do 20FPS of dmx which isnt good enough for smooth intensity fades.
    Up to 250 universes in pixelmad - test version.
    Direct control of Folsom imagepro over ethernet
    Exporting movies in different codec.

    16 oct 07 m150 - fixes-
    Video input flickering fix- hopefully gone for good.
    mix preview wrong orientation.
    IoLD Kona crash firewire to sdi input box- fixed - seems to work now.
    movement smoothness override - so you can always have it on.
    presetHUD Positions for Datapath VQS-01 4 way dvi/vga splitter.
    Save all preferences now menu option.
    some blending glitches in curved and keystone mixes now have a menu item in mix options - until i sort it out.

    18 oct 07 m152
    Added mix size of 1400x 1050. thanks hilary
    increased submix size to 1680x1200- ( this is really pushing things on older machines.... and non x1900 graphics cards... ).
    people need more sub mixes- changed mixes to lite-4 express-6 dv-8. jojo.
    fixed crash with random release from hog with framestore playback. thanks spooky.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    will test this evening!

  3. #3
    This release it's much more bigger in size of any other .

    Why ?

    Because it contain new TEST movies in the high priority library .

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by emilianomorgia View Post
    This release it's much more bigger in size of any other .

    Why ?

    Because it contain new TEST movies in the high priority library .
    yes. the test files mean i can test peoples systems with files i know-

    there is also an 8 channel audio file - in case people need to test multichannel audio.

  5. That's a big step, from 132 to 147...

    Will test tomorrow when we install the 360° panorama again. Richard, you will have the change to see for yourself this weekend in Delft!!!

    Let's see if this version survives the Digital Lighting University....
    Fons Hogenes
    Rotterdamseweg 270
    2628 AT DELFT

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Improve View Post
    That's a big step, from 132 to 147...
    its always constant improvement and changes-

    its also possible to do 2x DVCProHD 1080 files with this build and an MTRON SSD - with a quad intel 2.66Ghz.

  7. #7
    I will test this weekend. I havent got the MTRON for the moment so i will try with Raptors.

    Looks very nice for what i need.

  8. #8
    hi richard,

    i am testing 147 with my macbookpro, just to see whats new.
    i am sitting in the hotel room and i have just some small movies.

    here is what i found out:

    - to be able to switch mixes as layer preview is a very good thing,
    i like the "prefader" version very much. it is very good to see what a layer is doing, just befor moving intensity up. why is "prefader" not possible WITH FX?

    - i made mix 8 as a Sub MIX Preview and i ran a movie on layer 1, switch that to mix 1 though 7. in the mix 8 window (submix preview) only mix 1 and mix 2 came up, all others keep white...?

    - mix type "flat constant aspect ratio" -> backgound color ist always black,
    i can choose the colour including transparent, but it is always black, even if there is no layer routet to this mix or no content is shown?
    same with mix type "flat locked to corners" and "keystone"

    - when I am in "curved" mix type, i am missing the "rotate points" function from the "keystone" mode... i LOVE the 16 points to do warp on my mix, that is the greatest and fastest way for me to bring my shape in the right place, but it would be great to first rotate the whole thing in the right angle and then start moving all those great 16 points, specially when you are working with the orbital mirror head

    that is all for now, my last question is: when are we doing 16 layers?

    all the best

    Martin Heuser
    Gestaltung und Konzeption

    StilZenith GmbH
    An der alten Spinnerei 2
    D-83059 Kolbermoor

    Büro Frankfurt:
    Löwengasse 27k
    D-60385 Frankfurt am Main
    Fon +49 (0) 69.469961 48
    Fax +49 (0) 69.469961 43
    Mobil +49 (0) 170.5487222

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Martin Heuser View Post

    i like the "prefader" version very much. it is very good to see what a layer is doing, just befor moving intensity up. why is "prefader" not possible WITH FX?
    There is a With FX

  10. #10

    Talking Video FX

    Video Input FX appears to be broken? The option in preferences is graeyd out on all systems I've tested. This appears on Intel Mac Pros, MacBook Pro and old G5's. Have I missed something?

    PhotoJPEG performance improvement noticeable on Intel and G5. Lovely.

    DVC PRO HD, which was already good is now very good.

    Fades also a noticeable improvement with Hog 3 PC.

    Nice Work.

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