This is not the direction that many of you want to hear but going back to re-redering content is the best way to handle slower speeds. I have some suggestions for those of you more familiar with networking, After Effects, and/or Final Cut Pro.

I have recently developed workflows with AE and FCP along with Chronosync to create modified content on the fly.

In short, I have started installing Qmaster and AE Render engine on all my Catalyst machines. I use either my MBP or an additional MacPro as a master repository for all content and Chronosync to sync to the Catalyst Machines.

The chronoscript is a push only script which targets a second SSD in the machines. I started using 64Gb SSDs. I graduated to 250Gb and now 512Gb. The larger drives work well for the majority of the show content. It's only the revised files I change on site that go to the 64s so I never have space issues with having multiple versions of a piece of content and never overwrite anything.

Most of my machines have 8GB of RAM and the rest have 16Gb. With proper CPU and Memory allocations setup in AE and Qmaster I have been able to keep Catalyst running simultaneously. I also use the smaller SSDs as a RAM disk which helps.

In the worst case scenario, I am down for 10-15 minutes waiting for render and copying but most of the time I keep right on cranking.

I don't recommend this process to those of you who are not quite as familiar with Catalyst or render clustering but for those of you who are, I'm sure speed changes aren't the only content modifications you make on site.

If you try this, it will speed up your time but if you don't know what you're doing, make sure to experiment extensively before going to show site so that you don't get hit with something overwhelming or unfamiliar.