I thought Live Earth Hamburg LED backdrop looked the best of all... Someone else got some good stuff running on theirs too (NY I think)... I think London's was very disapointing....

Unfortunately, I wasn't running the Saco LED Backdrop - lighting just did basic colours and crappy HES stock content graphics. We wanted to run video thru it - but lx didn't understand how we could control it - and it was too late in the day to be changing too much... Could have looked so much better - frustrating....

I was running 3 catalysts for the rest of the hi-res LED screens. All programmed with my iPC (H2) from a room behind the stage. We ran 2 x catalysts for the LED strip via a Barco encore and 1 x catalyst for live DVE Camera effects. Fed camera in and out on HDSDI.
(All running m132 with no problems - love the quick scan )

In comparison - Diana Concert was much better - Live Earth was disappointing.

Communication.... Planning..... Knowledge.... The bigger the gig, the more dis-organised it seems to be....