Recently used version 4.10 m119 for a show, triggering presets using a USB to DMX Perperoni interface...

Is there a way to update a preset without destroying all the intesity fade times? If you snapshot a layer after making some adjustments, all the intensity fade times disappear.

Here is what I think might be a bug...When editing presets that are not loaded live, the file name does not appear correctly. It seems to list the correct folder name, and the correct file number, but the file name seems to be referencing something else entirely. Sometimes it references what is loaded live, but sometimes not.

Finally, is there a way to edit a preset completely blind? When editing a preset that is not loaded live, if you edit the intensity level, it changes the intensity live.

For a future project... Is is possible to split the single output in the single output version of Catalyst? i.e. can you hook it up to a Triple Head-to-Go box? For that matter, could you hook up two Triple Head-to-Go boxes and get six screens out of the full version?

Memory... The system I used was a 3.0GHz Mac Pro with a 15k SCSI content drive but only 1Gb of RAM. It appeared to slow down a bit when pushing several layers with high motion content. Will more RAM help this? or is it the processor and hard drive speed that are most important?
