Quote Originally Posted by Andy Rowe
just started catalyst with ntsc shortcut and fullscreen works... this shortcut opens with none of my information in the show
There is no NTSC or PAL Catalyst version .

there is only one Catalyst vesrion .

the Catalyst settings are stored in those 3 files you have inside each folder .

the Folders are inside tha Application folder .

So what's the different for those 3 short cut in the Dock ?

they are 3 different application ( same release ) in 3 different folders .
this happen to have different settings in each folder .

So why the Short Cut are called pal and ntsc ?

because those 3 application , have 3 different settings .

The different is the content folder .

there are 3 different folder PAL optminized , NTSC and Lighting .

You can download the new application , then you can decide to use the Pal or the NTSC or the lighing optimized content , by setting the folder path .