I have a sequence that is not playing back as expected. Probably my error, but I can't figure it out. Please help.
The Q sequence: (I am refering to console cues, not Catalyst cues)

Q142 - Layer 4: Set playback Mode to "Display in frame" Set In frame to frame 150, Time 0. Playback Speed is set to 1 (Pause.) All other parameters are at "default." Level is at 0.

Q145 - Layer 4: Level to full, Time 4, Set In frame to frame 150, time 0.

Q146 - Layer 4: Set Playback Mode to "Play Once Forward." Playback speed is setn to 128 (full) Time .4. Also change In frame to 151, Time 0.

What I expect to hapen:
Q142 - Nothing visible - just loading the movie
Q145 - Still image of frame 150 fades up in a 4 count
Q146 - Movie plays forward from frame 150

What actually happens:
Q142 - Nothing visible
Q145 - Still Image of Frame 1 fades up in a 4 count
Q146 - Movie jumps from frame 1 to frame 151 and then plays forward.

For some reason it seams like Catalyst is not getting the message that it should be in frame 150. Even though I send that DMX in both Q142 and Q145.
The reason that I set the In Frame to 151 in Q146 is that I found that if I did not (ie left it at frame 150) the movie would play back from frame 1 in Q146 everytime.

I am controlling the Catalyst through Artnet, with no CIB, (sorry to be redundant.)

I have gone to the trouble to capture the Artnet packets at the cue times, and the DMX levels coming from my console are what I have described above.

Layer 4 is used in the previous cues. The last time it is used it is displaying a .png, so the Playback Mode, In/Out Frame etc remain at default.

Is there a specific order or timing in which Catalyst needs; relating to file selection, Playback Mode, and setting the in frame?

Any thoughts on why the described sequence might be playing back as described? I am sure I am missing something simple, I am a "noob" after all.

Thanx for your help.