Quote Originally Posted by stucotts
As I mentioned the other night we are changing 3 things on this layer at the same time - selecting a somewhat large movie, setting playmode to Display InFrame and setting InFrame to 150. As we have seen over several performances and through packet analysis through wireshark. The movie is selected, Playmode is "display Inframe" and Inframe via HUD/Wireshark and all artnet monitoring devices is shown to be at 150 yet Catalyst is displaying frame 0 (1st frame of the movie)

We changed the cueing today so that the first cue selects the movie and sets PlayMode to Display InFrame and then a few seconds later set InFrame to 150 and all worked fine.

So it appears to me that the movie takes some time to load and by the time it is loaded Catalyst has tossed the state change from frame 0 to frame 150.
it takes some time to "load a movie", and some time to get a particular frame in a movie. depends on many thing.
On my laptop here with internal drive it takes 40ms to load dv movie, and 10ms to get each frame.

there might be state interactions if you change state too quickly.
it might depend on the dmx update rate of your console.
Im checking some more.