Quote Originally Posted by Spam Butterfly
A common technique with media server programming if firstly to 'preload' up coming movies on other layers (that's why you have 12 layers, right!).

DMX is a bit pants for media servers - but it's all we have at the moment. Who knows when ACN will be out...

True... preroll is preroll. And that is how most state machines function...

But in this case Catalyst breaks the paradigm of what DMX is. And we cannot forget that DMX is a streaming protocol. All other devices out there do not act as state machines and only change when the state of the stream changes. If that is how the device needs to react then error checking is programmed to conform. Catalyst could see the request for loading a moive and request for InFrame of 150 and in the same packet and wait to do the Inframe when it is vaild to do.

All other devices out there in the world on a streaming protocol change when the stream changes. So it is an error for the movie to be in the state of frame 0 when the stream is asking for frame 150. 1 second/ 15 seconds later.... Irregardless of preloading/ preroll, on a streaming protocol this is an error.
