V4 upgrades are about $2500.... so full version is probably a bit more I think

However - the whole idea of running catalyst on a Macbook Pro worries me slighty..... for the cost of a desktop system, you can run with a better graphics card and SCSI drives... which really are much better than firewire. + theres no decent way of capturing SDI or Comp video....

Apart from as a backup system - I wouldnt even consider running on a Macbook - unless I'm programming on a tour bus between venues!!!...

Theres also the issue of reliability... While Catalyst is SOLID - other software and drivers that you may insall on your macbook (which you wouldn't get on a rental system or dedicated server) may cause unforeseen issues. I configure servers with the minimum of software, turn off most other features - unless you're going to keep your macbook as a dedicated catalyst system - personally, I would always use a desktop system.

Good luck either way - I'd be interested on your feedback.
