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View Full Version : Cat V4 Fixture

Mauricio Caicedo
01-11-2006, 04:15 PM
I'm using CAT v4 and running it from a Hog3PC Console V2.. the fixture I have for the CAT V4 has the the library parameters set to the default CAT Libraries, that is (000 for HES Lithos, 001 for Digital Aerials 1 and so on) I don't usually use the whole CAT V4 default libraries, but instead I build a custom folder for each show (001 would be logos 002 would be video loops, etc), in which case I rather have my Hog3PC library names under the layers beam set to their numbers so I can reference them to my custom library folder. It used to be like that on the CAT V3 fixture for my Hog3PC is there such a fixture for the CAT V4, if not how could I modify my current CAT V4 fixture.

Mauricio Caicedo

01-11-2006, 04:24 PM
i dont think you can modify the hog3 library fixture very easily.

did you post this question on the hog3 support bulletin board?
