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View Full Version : Remote desktop 3

27-05-2006, 01:26 PM
I just tried running Apple remote desktop 3 - with catalyst running on a remote machine - and Remote desktop 3 gives previews of both monitors - something i couldnt get to work using the vnc clients.

Monitoring imge is from my MacBook Pro.
performance seems ok remotely - i mean its not amazing - but it works.



you cant use this to get a live preview - it degrades performance too much - but you can use it to remotely manage systems that might be in a different location.

27-05-2006, 04:10 PM
So how does catalyst run on the macbook pro? I'm ordering mine next week. Can't wait till firmtek releases their external SATA expresscard for it...

27-05-2006, 04:16 PM
Mac book pro -pretty good.

done most development work on my intel imac for the last few months.

19-06-2006, 11:40 PM
Cool thanks to try this .