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View Full Version : Using pixelmad 'grid' fixtures

09-03-2005, 07:38 AM
If you have a large rectangular array of fixtures - you dont have to create a fixture for every single pixel.
You can use the 'GRID' fixture.
I have a few array sizes defined in the fixture type menu, but if you use a spreadsheet to import- then you can use any size of grid you need.

Here I have only 2 fixtures, one is a 12x12 rgb grid, and the other is a 10x10 black and white grid.

08-12-2006, 11:44 AM
Can you explain this a little further. How do you define a Custom RGB grid size?

I don't understand what you mean by using a spreadsheet



09-12-2006, 11:28 PM
Okay worked it out, but

If I want to use it for the Moodlight 64, I can't get the orientation correct as none of the four options left,right,up,down are correct.

I need a left/down combination or a specific fixture as mentioned elsewhere.

Changing the physical tile orientation isn't really an option as it has keyways on the back that only work in one direction.



10-12-2006, 02:18 PM
i added ability to define own fixtures recently - but it hasnt made it out yet.

15-12-2006, 04:05 AM
I take it that is not in the latest Catalyst m95 Beta release?



15-12-2006, 01:18 PM
it did- its in there.

there is an xml file which defines fixtures.

what do you want to do?

15-12-2006, 10:48 PM
Hmmm, Sneaky

I found the file and duplicated the Test 1b fitting, changed the names and pixel counts and appear to have a fixture compatible with the Moodlight Tile 64. I will test with the tile today.

I don't usually like to dabble in the innards of the Package in case I break something.



15-12-2006, 11:27 PM
i need to have an external file as well.

but fiddling with xml type files is not for the faint hearted. so i dont think many people will do it.
it will probably crash if you get something wrong...

15-12-2006, 11:27 PM
Hmmm, Sneaky

I found the file and duplicated the Test 1b fitting, changed the names and pixel counts and appear to have a fixture compatible with the Moodlight Tile 64. I will test with the tile today.

I don't usually like to dabble in the innards of the Package in case I break something.



you want to post what you did?

15-12-2006, 11:48 PM
Okay, have done some testing.

On first appearances the fixture is correct on screen with an arrow in the top left corner pointing down when I set the fixture to "Down".

However, when I plug in the tile 64 it is behaving as if the start point is Top Right and the GUI is 180 deg out. Pleas see attached pic.

The white box is the area that is being displayed on the tile and is flipped as if the top right corner is the start.

I have tried changing the XML definition to Top Left but the start square remains at Top Right.



17-12-2006, 09:14 AM
i forgot to do something. with xml 'grid' fixtures - i did had done it for fixtures with individual pixels like the hi-res color web - but forgot for general fixture

can you try new version for me?

i emailed you the address.

17-12-2006, 10:01 AM
That works.

Just needed to change the 1b size profile to:

<Fixture menuname="Test moodlight 8x8 1b" uniqueid="MOO2" excelexportid="MOO2" pixelwidth="8" pixelheight="8" output="RGB" channelcount="192" orientation="BOTTOMLEFT"/>

Seems to be doing what it should now on the tile.

Thanks Richard



17-12-2006, 11:41 AM
great. thanks.

i left it at 5 and 8 pixels for me - so i could check it worked right when orientated in different directions.


are there any other fixtures you think i should add?

or any other things you might need to do with the xml?


I had a fixture last week that needed the R and G and B to be all together, red channels first.
I added a 'stride' attribute-

<Fixture menuname="Test CLS Mirror Panel 1" uniqueid="CLS1" excelexportid="CLS1" pixelwidth="8" pixelheight="1" output="CUSTOM" comment="CLS Mirror Panel 1" channelcount="24" channelsperpixel="3" orientation="BOTTOMLEFT">
<channel index="1" output="RED" stride="0" />
<channel index="2" output="GREEN" stride="8"/>
<channel index="3" output="BLUE" stride="16" />

17-12-2006, 08:46 PM
That fixed my immediate problem. I am sure other interesting things will come along. Especially custom configurations for installations.

Rotation would be kind of cool for panels or Colour web. e.g. when you want to tilt a panel 45 degrees and have the image stay horizontal to the ground.

Some kind of Primer for the XML would be good. Speaking for myself I am used to dabbling in files like this because of the Hog, Grandma and Show Designer, but my knowledge of XML is very limited. It would be good to have a guide for everyone if they need to create a new fixture and don't understand the parameters.

At least now people can create a fixture and share it.



20-12-2006, 07:28 AM
i tried to keep the xml very simple so that anyone who dabbles with things like hog 2 profiles could dabble in this.

03-09-2014, 11:23 PM
Hi Richard:
Please i need 3 fixture library to Catalyst, a grid of 5X5 RGBW, one grid 5X2 RGB and 5X2 intensity
Its possible??
