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View Full Version : Catalyst Mirror Head DMX Specs

19-05-2004, 06:16 AM
As you all know Highend has less than enthusiastic support for their product lines. :(

I am controlling the Catalyst Media Server V3.0 with a Grand MA.

Since the V3.0 docs contain no specs on the mirror head, I have pieced together the information from V1.2 and have control over Mirror 1 & 2, but that is as far as V1.2 and reality take me. I would like to have full control over the mirror heads, especially to home the mirrors, and remotely shutdown the mirror head. I have been too busy to take the brute force approach and try all possible combinations to correct all the errors in Highend's documentation, so if anyone has the correct specs, I would appreciate a copy.



19-05-2004, 06:46 AM
As you all know Highend has less than enthusiastic support for their product lines. :(

I am controlling the Catalyst Media Server V3.0 with a Grand MA.

Since the V3.0 docs contain no specs on the mirror head, I have pieced together the information from V1.2 and have control over Mirror 1 & 2, but that is as far as V1.2 and reality take me. I would like to have full control over the mirror heads, especially to home the mirrors, and remotely shutdown the mirror head. I have been too busy to take the brute force approach and try all possible combinations to correct all the errors in Highend's documentation, so if anyone has the correct specs, I would appreciate a copy.



I dont have any mirror head documentation that was all handled by someone else.

Try emailing hughd at flyingpig.com

Peter Wynne wilson designed the head.
Try getting hold of them through the contacts on their website.


Go for the studio address given.


I couldnt get them to correct the errors in documentation either - even for catalyst ....which i wrote...
first of all there was no documentation....at all...
then there was wrong innaccurate and incorrect information which was never checked or tested:


Apparently telling them was the wrong strategy.
So i did this site instead.

19-05-2004, 06:49 AM
I dont work for highend.
Im an independant developer whos been doing this stuff for years.
I wrote show control software for a long time.


I wasnt happy with their support either.
Thats why im trying to put some of my experience and expertise out there, and sharing it all by doing this.

Bobby Hale
19-05-2004, 03:26 PM
Hi Agbart,
My direct e-mail address is :


In order to help you, I need the serial number of the orbital head. This will let me know what version you are using. High End Systems shipped two versions of the orbital head. The first version was designed by WWG and used mechanical switches for home positions and didn't have remote homing capabilities. The High End designed orbital head uses optical sensors for homing and does have remote homing capabilities.

The latest software for the HES designed Orbital head is:

Version Number: 2.9.12

Please e-mail me directly with any other questions. Thanks, Bobby

19-05-2004, 03:51 PM
Hi Agbart,
My direct e-mail address is :

Please e-mail me directly with any other questions. Thanks, Bobby

Thanks Bobby,