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View Full Version : Aryton Magic Blade

24-03-2015, 01:44 PM
Hello everyone, I have a show coming up and I will be mapping 60 of the new Aryton Magic Blades. They are basically a moving LED strip, 7 cells of RGBW. My question is how do I handle the "W" (white) LED of each cell?

I have created this profile for it, does this look correct?

Thanks for any input guys, much appreciated.

<Fixture menuname="Magic Blade RGBW" uniqueid="MBLD" excelexportid="MBLD" pixelwidth="1" pixelheight="6" output="CUSTOM" comment="Magic Blade RGBW" channelcount="28" channelsperpixel="4" orientation="TOPLEFT">
<channel index="1" output="RED" />
<channel index="2" output="GREEN" />
<channel index="3" output="BLUE" />
<channel index="4" fixedoutput="0" comment="White"/>

24-03-2015, 04:25 PM
Put it on a separate fixture in a different mix and use as a hilight effect
This is what people usually do-

It doesn't make any sense adding to rgb output usually

5th Element
05-04-2015, 11:30 PM
additionally, if you are bored/clever you can make 1 channel dimmers for the white on these and then put black and white content over it as well, can create some interesting effects.
If you are really bored you can patch 16 bit parameters and apply them to the pan/tilt and get some interesting things with black and white content...
Have fun!