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View Full Version : Exact Map Colfx

22-12-2014, 12:55 PM
I've noticed today that the Colfx and Transparency within Exact Maps don't work - is this something that will be added in the future?

13-01-2015, 12:55 PM
Ok, I've now come across the ability to turn on "mixfx" and "int mode" to enable mixfx and fades/transparencies. However, if I switch "int mode" to "use mix" the image goes black when the transparency is at Anywhere between 1.00 and 0 but I see the image if the fade out of the mix is somewhere other than 0 or 1.
All I'm trying to do is make a preset which allows the exact maps to be transparent- is that possible?

30-12-2015, 03:46 PM
After searching for 'Int Mode' I've come across my own thread that i had forgot I started - I'm still having the same problem - Within Mix Maps, if I choose 'Use Mix' for 'Int Mode' the Transparency of the Mix works but the Fade Out seems to have this problem on being black at both 0 and 1 but viewable at around 50% at 0.5 - meaning there's no 100% image.

Anybody Else??
I'm guessing the only way to have Fading to 0 transparency with Exact Maps is use the General Controls and DMX.
If I could be enlightened to another way of having transparency of an Exact Map fading within a preset within catalyst it would be highly appreciated