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View Full Version : Preset triggered by another Preset

28-10-2013, 10:21 PM
Have been trolling around the forum and haven't found this. Would it be possible to make one preset trigger another preset after say a wait time or an event has occurred?

Or does something like this exist already.


28-10-2013, 11:31 PM
yes - that is the function of a cuelist....


15-11-2013, 04:44 AM
make preset 1 with or without a fade time
make preset 2 with or without a fade time
if the preset is without fade time make a preset with the needed fade time

put all presets in the cuelist in pauze or if you want an auto follow in a certain time

put cuelist in internal-relative


14-01-2014, 03:43 AM
Im guessing you want to click on a Preset (or trigger it from a Web page or Midi) and for it to trigger another preset at the same time or after a specified delay. It is possible to do.

Obviously if you don't mind advancing cues in a cue list then setting up a cue list is by far the easiest way. However if you specifically want to click on a preset then you can do the following;

1. Set up your presets as normal
2. Drag your presets into a cue list -You won't be doing any of the triggering in here it's just to be able to deal with triggering the other preset
3. In the show cue field of the cue list type "PresetToCuelist=xxx (the preset that will trigger the cue, lets use 1) on the preset to be triggered (lets use 2)

When you click on the preset specified in PresetToCuelist=xxx (1) then the cue in the cue list will be triggered which will in turn run the preset associated with it (2)

If you want to have a delay between clicking on the preset and the second preset triggering then create a dummy cue by dragging the "GOTO" button in the cue list window into the cue list, apply the PresetToCuelist=xxx in the show cue field of this dummy cue, then drag in the preset to be triggered as the next cue and apply a wait of whatever is desired.