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View Full Version : DMX control option

30-04-2012, 12:02 PM
is it possible implement control fixture into Catalyst?
I 'm think about sending commands like scan files, shut down, restart , full screen....over DMX.This would be perfectly during rehearsal, especially if you haven't CAT near console.
Thnaks, Tomas.

30-04-2012, 12:45 PM
Hello Tomas

You can do this with the serial commands. You can send an HTML command by putting the text into the serial string box then using DMX to trigger the serial command.

There are some examples at the bottom of the list of serial strings in the drop down.


05-05-2012, 03:39 PM
Thanks. It work's great :). Is it possible some delay for this commands? For example delay for shutdown(command must be send 4 second...)
Thanks Tom.