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View Full Version : Dipless crossfades

05-09-2011, 06:35 PM

Recently programmed my first catalyst show on an Ion.

Found it very hard to get fades that didn't dip to a dark moment between layers without messing with times a lot. (delaying the down part of fade till up part was complete)

Not something I've noticed programming on Hog3. BUT normally I program more music based shows so subtle fades are not so common.

The problem was most noticeable when fading between content that had many similar areas/colours. In these cases it was nearly impossible.

So the question is was it just me or the desk or?

Are there any tricks I could have used? I have suggested that we should create front slides with alpha channels and change backgrounds for some of the content.


06-09-2011, 01:13 PM
Not something I've noticed programming on Hog3.

Probably the desk? - BUT - you can experience this if using mix windows in certain configurations.

What is your screen configuration - ie mixes, overlaps etc?

There is a setting in the 'Mix Options' to change blend glitch: A / B / C
Try changing the setting from what you have now and see if the crossfade changes.

Best test is to use 2x white layers - and x-fade between the two (2sec) - this is really where you will see any difference.

If you have the correct blend glitch selected - you wont be able to see the crossfade between the white layers.

To identify if its the desk - create 2 presets in catalyst to do the same thing:
Use 2x white layers - and x-fade (2sec) between the two

If it works fine with a preset and not over DMX from the desk - then it's probably the desk...

Else - check / change the blending glitch for those mixes in use.
Blend Glitch can change the way in which some colour fx work - so do check carefully.


06-09-2011, 09:49 PM

Yet again thank you.

I probably won't have time to investigate properly as the show has opened and I'm on another show.

But its good to have learnt something else to check!

Hope life is treating you well...


07-09-2011, 05:29 PM
use blend glitch C in mix options - this is the default in current versions

its not a dipless non-dipless thing - thats a lighting thing with lamp power -

its a double transparency with a doubly applied alpha channel in compositing on a transparent background -