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View Full Version : Quartz && catalyst

beam bas
02-12-2010, 07:52 AM

I got a quartz composition which uses a midi controller, so my quatz file is showing the midi values on screen.
This also works fine in quicktime, now my question, how do I get this work in catalyst software, so I want to link my midi controller to a quartz file in catalyst.
And is it also posible to control a quartz file in catalyst with network udp commands.
Thanks, Bastiaan

02-12-2010, 09:18 AM

I got a quartz composition which uses a midi controller, so my quatz file is showing the midi values on screen.
This also works fine in quicktime, now my question, how do I get this work in catalyst software, so I want to link my midi controller to a quartz file in catalyst.
And is it also posible to control a quartz file in catalyst with network udp commands.
Thanks, Bastiaan

apple puts restrictions on what applications like mine can do when running quartz in quicktime mode - for "security reasons"

05-02-2011, 02:10 PM
looks like kineme has something that enable these things:


you have to add the application name to kineme prefs-

installed from the kineme core addons- ( this link is not likely to be valid for long )


i managed to get a simple video input and simple sound input to work

in catalyst you use "play audio loop" play mode- the other playmodes dont work

Quartz composer has a safe mode - and most interesting things are disabled in safe mode...

Quartz composer is a performance hog - there is no guarantee of anything else working -

05-02-2011, 03:06 PM
actually looks like you can do this from the terminal without kineme prefs - though i think you still need to install kineme core

i will try to make this automatic in future - change for correct catalyst software version

defaults write com.apple.QuartzComposer.editor KCSafeModeOverride -dict-add CatalystPM\ 4.40_m329_HD '( "QCAudioInput","QCBonjourServices","QCDirectoryScanner","QCHIDInput","QCHostInfo","QCImageHistogram","QCImagePixel","QCMidiClock","QCMidiControllers","QCMidiControls","QCMidiNotes","QCNetworkBroadcaster","QCNetworkReceiver","QCNetworkSynchronizer","QCOSCReceiver","QCOSCBroadcaster","QCVideoInput","QCSyndication","QCKeyboard","QCMouse","QCAppleRemote","QCXMLDownloader","QCJavaScript")'

28-06-2011, 01:26 PM
Is it possible to use two videocards in one mac pro and let quartz use one card for the 3d renders and catalyst the other for playback? Or is it better to use a different system and have it feed to catalyst by a video input?