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View Full Version : Presets Triggers

26-09-2010, 03:34 AM
Hi all,

is there any way of recording the serial commands I want to send using preset triggers. I understand that it is possible to do it on the cuelist but it would be great if preset has the ability to trigger devices as well, as presets can be dmx controlled.

26-09-2010, 06:13 AM
Serial commands can be DMX triggered also by putting them into a cue list - see the item DMX PRESETS - TRIGGERING THE CUE LIST FROM DMX in the Whats New document under Catalyst HELP.

Then just drag the serial command you want to send from the device onto the cue list. The DMX value will then trigger the serial command from the cue list.


26-09-2010, 01:20 PM
command is:


where xx is the preset number

Command goes in the 'Show Cue' column - the example shown is to run an RGB chase. Preset 30 Runs, Preset 37 Stops chase
Note the Cuelist prefs - you dont want 'auto play cuelist' enabled - because thats what the preset does.

This can also work for a single cue in a list (as opposed to the chase shown)
This can work for anything that can be dragged in to a cuelist. (ie serial command)
The preset (trigger) can either be blank or have information saved in it too.


Any problems- give me a call


26-09-2010, 03:45 PM
Opps, looks like I have miss out that part of the manual. Will try it out. Thanks guys.

Simon, the manual say DMXPreset=xx instead of PresetToCuelist=xx. Is there changes or both commands does work?

26-09-2010, 04:05 PM
which version are you using?

command certainly works in m257...


26-09-2010, 05:26 PM
Hi Simon, my system is out in the venue and I haven't got the chance to try it yet. Was reading the Catalyst help and it states DMXPreset=xx.

26-09-2010, 06:18 PM
DMXPreset=xx does not work in m257
PresetToCuelist=xx does - I just tested it.

I just tried it in m311 (custom version) and 'DMXPreset=xx' still doesn't work...
but PresetToCuelist=xx does...

Please try either command - and let me know..!..

The built-in help file is out of date and refers to features in previous versions - not all of it is correct:
This is a screen shot of the help file built in to m257 and m311...


23-11-2010, 05:48 AM
I cant seem to get this to work....operator error im sure.

dragging the play button from the cuelist down into the cuelist, typing in "PresetToCuelist=01", the device is that cuelist, and the command is play.

am i missing something? when i hit ctrl1 "preset 1" the list does not start


23-11-2010, 08:52 AM
remove the leading '0'

See picture of cuelist at top of this post.


23-11-2010, 03:41 PM
ah...thank u....