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View Full Version : Importing presets from another showfile

04-07-2010, 10:52 AM
I'm resurrecting a show that is quite complicated in terms of using keystoning inside the layers. The show evolved when it transferred to another venue and so I made edits to the show presets and then snapshotted the grids again for preshow checks, thus erasing the old keystone information. I've still got the old showfile with the keystone info I want on Presets 11-16. Is there some way to import the old Presets 11-16 into the evolved showfile? Normally I would consider just writing it down, but there are 6 layers in each preset that I need 15 points of info for. All told that is 540 values that need to be manually written down and entered. Boring to say the least.

I had a look in the presets.txt file, but it seems to have become even more coded than it used to be. Copying and pasting seems quite easy as a concept, but figuring out what is presets 11-16 in that text file seems quite difficult.

Any help much appreciated,


04-07-2010, 06:20 PM
Hi Kevin

I really wouldn't trust any showfile that has been cut/copied/pasted. There is too much room for error. There are so many variables in there, most have values that do not equate to what you see in the GUI.

Unless Richard can help - I would suggest that your tedious plan A is the best option!


07-07-2010, 10:32 AM
Thanks Nev. I've sent an email to Richard in hopes of a resolution.


07-07-2010, 11:32 AM
1024 x 768 is always a good one!

07-07-2010, 01:12 PM
Ha Ha Ha :D

In other news that took it's time to get to me...

The project is now being put back onto a Hog 3 and I'm no longer involved. Not my problem anymore. Just glad I didn't spend any more time on it than asking a few questions. Interesting pitfall to watch out for in the future.
