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View Full Version : layer mix assignments

23-10-2009, 02:44 AM
when i take a snapshot in the preset editor of the mixes it remembers what mixes are on and off and for the correct screen. But when I snapshot the layers what mixes they are turned on and off in is forgotten or wrong.....if layer one is turned on (lit up yellow) for mixes 1 and 7, when i snapshot layer 1 the mix assignment says "off" for 1 and 7, and the rest say "no change"....is it possible to make it snapshot to the correct on and off and just have "n/c" a non default? or is there a reason for this that i am missing?


28-10-2009, 09:00 PM

29-10-2009, 10:15 AM
When using presets to control mixes and layer assignment, you will need to go through each layer and assign which mix it is routed to (on off or no change).

when you snapshot a mix you are capturing the positional and on and off info on a display, sadly it does not do what you hope. When you snapshot layers you are capturing the values within the layer and not the routing. it is fustrating when you are in a show that is being driven by presets as you get caught in a lengthy process.
I believe that the whole presets setup is a pain at times but equally having all the routing and mix data being able to be held on a internal cue is invaluable. I use presets alot when I am driving a catalyst via a lighting desk, and once they are setup make life very easy. and the mix snapshot is useful when you are a changing scaling or position on mixes without over writing layer info.

and what is TTT?

hope that was what you where looking for.

29-10-2009, 11:13 PM
ttt... to the top, just trying to get it noticed again without being to disrespectful...thank you for the info! i too use A LOT of presets with the lighting console, but ur right, once they are in there it's great