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01-04-2009, 07:08 AM

Can i disable "do you want to ask permission to control"? So that i dont need to enter share screen on the remote mac?



01-04-2009, 07:17 AM
Hi Peter

I do this when in production, but turn all sharing off when it comes to showtime.


01-04-2009, 07:42 AM

I've already setup systems like that but when i want to control the remote mac the questions pops up and i do need to enter on the remote mac 'share screen'.

The question is if i can diasable the 'share screen' entering with the mouse or Control request window on the remote mac because the master mac asks : 'do you want to ask permission to control'. I can answer no but then nothing happens.


01-04-2009, 11:22 AM

Are you trying to screen share from your mac to a catalyst without having the 'screen share' pop-up?

Rather than selecting 'All Users' in remote management - you need to specify a user - and allow the relevant management options. That's the only way to stop the security messages from appearing.

See picture attached:
In this example, the catayst mac user name is 'catalyst' - password 'xxxx'
(When selecting control options hold 'alt' while clicking on 'observe' to select all the options.)
If you un-select the 'Anyone may request permission to control screen' option - this will disable the option and you wont see a pop-up on the catalyst mac.

In this example - If you use remote desktop or screen sharing to connect - you should login to the Catalyst Mac with user name 'catalyst' and pass 'xxxx'
As this is a valid user - there will be no security pop-up

It doesnt matter if you leave sharing on during a show - there is no significant performance difference while the service is NOT in use - so long as you don't connect to the catalyst mac during your show!

Let me know if you need any further assistance
