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View Full Version : Arnet Input And Output?

David Monguet
19-12-2008, 11:29 AM
Hi to all,
I'm using maxxyz to control catalyst and send arnet directly to use 14 layer and works very fine. Also, I want to use PixelMAD using Maxxyz ether2DMX and work very fine. The problem is using both. I only can use PixelMAD using one ethernet from Mac Pro and sending DMX to CIB from Maxxyz.
Am I doing anything wrong? Or is it not possible?


David Monguet

19-12-2008, 11:38 AM

I think you are using same universe of artnet for input and output... That won't work...

Try setting the output to a different universe...

David Monguet
19-12-2008, 03:40 PM
ok, but with same IP or different?

20-12-2008, 09:29 PM
Well, when I do pixelmapping I use MAC on fixed Artnet IP, for instance, and use Artistic license Input/output boxes to run DMX in and OUT, on different universes offcourse...

So no need to worry about different IP adresses....

Don't know about the boxes your using, but should be similar I guess...

David Monguet
22-12-2008, 08:18 AM
Ok, many thanks for your replies!
I'll try this!!!