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View Full Version : Matrox Veos

Spam Butterfly
15-07-2008, 03:29 PM
I just had Rob Moodey from Matrox in to demonstrate the new Matrox Veos system:

This system works a little like a dual/triple head to go but can extend DVI to 100m down coax. Even though the units I had were prototypes, it worked with Catalyst straight out of the box. I was able to send two 1280 x 1024 feeds 100m in our warehouse. Worked first time with a Mac. Veos doesn't like our standard def coax. It likes the 4.5Ghz Coax we use with our Lighthouse LED walls.

The units are still in development, so there's still some room for improvement, but I was pretty impressed with these units. If you, like me, have ended up being stitched up on a gig or three with Thinklogical fibre-optic boxes (aka Stinklogical) these units will come as a bit of a relief.


15-07-2008, 07:49 PM

Is one receiver output 3 DVI or just 1 of the 3 available in the stream ?

17-07-2008, 06:53 AM
The transmitter transmits all 3. The receiver can output 2 of the 3 video streams. But you can connect another of the output boxes and also get any 2 of the 3 video streams.

29-07-2008, 05:02 AM
It's funny Hugh, you're the reason I bought several Thinklogical boxes. Hey, they're better than Gefen. HAHA

Did you try doing a three Display unit Daisy chain? Ultimately this is where I'd be looking.

The only thing I don't like is the idea of using RG6. I've been trying so hard to get away from coax. Any thoughts?

09-02-2009, 11:15 AM
Has anyone used this setup yet? It looks like a really neat solution but it would be good to hear other peoples experiences?

