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View Full Version : Additional Offset Values and mix scaling

20-02-2008, 01:08 AM
I love being able to create offset but unfortunately, I need a greater precision.

Right now the preset offsets that change by tenths (except for x.75) are not enough.

I would like to be able to create offsets to the 100th place or even to the thousandth place.

This would be so I can enter values like 87.5 for example when I do a 12.5% edge blend. Another example would be +-1.042 when I am using 3 projectors of 9'x12' with a 6" gap between.

Another feature with significant value would be mix scaling. This way I could have a 9x12 screen next to a 6x8 screen and simply scale the images so that the literal size would remain the same across screens.