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View Full Version : Video Card Problem

03-10-2007, 10:45 PM
Hi All,
I am running 3.3_g21_Pro software with Dual Power PC Macs and I have had 2 video cards die. Was wondering if anyone else has had troubles with there video cards. Does anyone have suggestion for the standard video card that came with these Macs becuase I can only find refurbished ones at the moment.

Thank in adavance for any advice and help.



03-10-2007, 11:01 PM
I have had an ATI 9800 overheat and lock up a machine. I had to remove the card directly above it and leave the slot cover off to keep it cool enough. This started happening after it was 2 years old.

When I tried to replace it with a new 9800 or x800 it was almost impossible to track one down.

Are you using the older G5s or newer with PCIe slots? What model of card has died?



04-10-2007, 02:05 AM
I have the older G5's and this happen at about 2 years old. I have to look about the name of the cards but its the orginal ones that came with the G5's. I am not sure what killed the cards but I know they were the source of my problem. I am concerned for the long term if I keep having video cards die if I will be able to find replacements.

Thanks for the info about the heat being a possible problem.


04-10-2007, 05:19 AM
ati stops making cards after a while.

if it isnt listed on ati's website - its gone

your options are here:


and their online shop-
shows out of stock on everything except x1900-

you might try calling an apple dealer- to see if any service parts are available?


i would say there is no long term viability for computer products in any market.
products typically have life cycles between6 months and 18 months - its hard for everyone -
chip makers stop making chips-

for end users - you have to move to the latest technology - otherwise you are out of the game -
not much use for a long term show -