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View Full Version : Curve OffSets and BLEND Colors

05-07-2007, 08:19 PM
OK, couple of needs for new versions,... Ricrahd, are just some ideas/needs.

On the HUD from Catalyst, instead the only "purple, mauve" option, will be great like if we can pick the colors, or like Left is GREEN and Right is RED. Then is easily to see wich is on top of the other, when they are both OK, we get Yellow. and when is not, you can see more cleary which one is out.

OFFset for Curve...

Like if we make a Ring, we have like 6 mixes... then Offsets 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 to 6, then is possible to have like a LINK to offset 1 ? So the "fish" gets always back to the begining.
I know that involves a pretty crazy mathematics. But I am only asking.
