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View Full Version : Soft Crop?

21-05-2007, 06:17 PM

I would like to setup a crop of an image with soft edges and i can't seem to get it to work, i have tried using the crop soft edge effect with no success, am i missing something obvious or does this not work yet?

This is really stumping me!!



22-05-2007, 06:30 PM
This feature works. Here's how...

In the Layer Window...
Select FX 204 - Crop - Soft Edge
Select Parameter 1, Softness Level (I use 30 to start)
In the keystone parameter boxes underneath the z rotation window make the following adjustments...
Upper Left (Red Numbers) = -80
Upper Right (Blue Numbers) = -80
Lower Left (Red Numbers) = 80
Lower Right (Blue Numbers) = 80

This will give you a place to start. Crop accordingly and adjust softness to your hearts desire.

The other cropping options use these keystone parameters and also the parameters on the other side of the "key" box (under the y rotation window)

A soft crop circle/ellipse would be a good feature for the future if Richard is reading this.


20-01-2014, 12:44 PM

I'm not getting this effect to work as I'd expect, using 4.4 v 326 (the current one)... it looks like the edges have a smeared trail rather than being able to soft crop (which I'd expect to be like a rectangular vignette)... I'm also only seeing it happen on the top and left sides....

Is that what I'd expect to happen? Or am I liable to be doing something wrong, and can anyone suggest what the fix may be?


20-01-2014, 08:47 PM
What hardware are you using?
What are your mix window settings?
Note that m364 is the latest release


21-01-2014, 03:41 PM
got it working thanks. file my problem under "user error", cured by re-reading the instructions much more carefully.....

note to anyone else struggling with this, you only edit the left group of 4 keystone values.

25-01-2014, 02:38 PM
e y rotation window)

A soft crop circle/ellipse would be a good feature for the future if Richard is reading this.


It's there already..in fact there are 2 ways to do that,

For your info and other users you can either use vfx 72 iris shutter black on the layer above for circular crops or create your own vignette in a custom colour fx