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View Full Version : Daft Newbie / SDI O/P, black screen windows

02-03-2007, 11:53 PM
Hi There,

Sorry if these sound like really stupid questions (and I know one of them is probably really straightforward) but here goes...

Ok, the easy one:

Why are my output windows showing no content when within preview windows on Display 1 (ie. windows>output 1; windows>output 2) but work fine when in full screen mode ?

and, more annoyingly, it seems I can't get the Catalyst to output via my Decklink Extreme video card, why would this be ? Ideally we'd like to get an SDI O/P straight from this card instead of buggering around with Scan convertors but no joy, only black...

Will this card only work as an input ? -why is this ?

Answers on a postcard...

Thanks in advance for your help (and patience !)


03-03-2007, 06:47 AM
the output only works in full screen.
OSX does a lot of stuff behind the scenes to manage window layers - and this needs to be minimised.


You cannot use the decklink outputs because all the graphics processing is done on the graphics card - decklink card doesnt have any opengl graphics.

computer architecture does not make it possible to send the screens from the graphics card to the decklink card.


also the design of the decklink cards restricts you to using either input or output - when using its I/O. not both at the same time.

03-03-2007, 12:06 PM
Thanks, that answers those questions...

I was just a bit puzzled as I've been using v3.3 which did display the output in the screen windows and thought I was doin something wrong.

The Decklick thing is a real pain, are there any video cards with the OpenGL support which offer an SDI output ?

Thanks again


03-03-2007, 12:57 PM
Thanks, that answers those questions...

I was just a bit puzzled as I've been using v3.3 which did display the output in the screen windows and thought I was doin something wrong.

The Decklick thing is a real pain, are there any video cards with the OpenGL support which offer an SDI output ?

Thanks again


i removed the non-full screen output, as users were having normal windows open at the same time and this was causing performance issues.


there are no opengl cards for the mac with sdi outputs.

sdi scan convertors are an art in themselves - there are quite a few devices which do this.

03-03-2007, 11:01 PM
...and we'll need to get HDSI ones !

-at least the Decklink will make ingesting custom footage a little easier...

Thanks for your help


Spam Butterfly
04-03-2007, 10:10 AM
The weapon of choice for HD SDI (or anything else) is the Folsom Image Pro HD... This is the Swiss Army penknife of video.


04-03-2007, 09:08 PM
Hi Hugh is placer to read you again :D.

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08-03-2007, 12:54 AM
there are no opengl cards for the mac with sdi outputs.

What about this ?
