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01-02-2007, 03:33 PM
Hi SAMCS, We are going to use ome LED fictures called Krypton 81 from Elation (Alkalite) he have 8 cells like Trackpod but the arrange is 2 col x 4 rows istead of 8 cols x 1 row is there any way to add the fixture personality to Catalyst or it need a newer ofwrare version, I would like to colaborate with fixture personalities here I do a lot for our boards and softwares.

Thank you,

01-02-2007, 06:42 PM
Hi SAMCS, We are going to use ome LED fictures called Krypton 81 from Elation (Alkalite) he have 8 cells like Trackpod but the arrange is 2 col x 4 rows istead of 8 cols x 1 row is there any way to add the fixture personality to Catalyst or it need a newer ofwrare version, I would like to colaborate with fixture personalities here I do a lot for our boards and softwares.

Thank you,

What vesrions of Cat are you using ? in m97 you can edit Fixtures yourself

I think the file it's here :/Applications/Catalyst/Catalyst.app/Contents/Resources/FixtureTypes.xml

01-02-2007, 09:08 PM
Thank you Emiliano, I build the personality and seems to work, I am just waiting for the fixtures to arrive to make the final test.

01-02-2007, 09:19 PM
Great ! Glad to help !



05-02-2007, 07:19 AM
i hope there are enough examples in the .xml file to help most needs.

02-05-2009, 07:16 PM

work your library for Alkalite Kripton?


03-05-2009, 12:14 AM
Yes, it works fine, the only bad part is that the show had been canceled but I have some client that saw the system running already. You need a lot of Kryptons to get a good and undesrtandable image but look realy amazing.

03-05-2009, 03:31 AM

I make a configuration with 40 trackpod tp-81, between 40 modules led screen pitch 16 virtual 8.

The punch light by Alkalite fixture are amazing, i upload one picture for comunity.


06-05-2009, 05:43 AM

You can upload your library of Alkalite Kripton.

i have some cuestion about how make the blind master intensity.

i make one library of a led flood but, wen a put into a pixel mad, i have 5 pixeles.

ch 1 master intensity with level 7 fixed

ch 2 thru 4 pixel 1 rgb

ch 5 thru 7 pixel 2 rgb

ch 8 thu 10 pixel 3 rgb

ch 11 thru 13 pixel 4 rgb

i want have only the image of a squared of 4 pixel.

i need make channel 1 blind for the pixel mad.


06-05-2009, 11:43 PM
look at the SGM Palco in the examples . They are ( i think ) 8 channels but you see one DOT only in the screen . I'm sure there is a way to " blind" the channel . Look at SGM PALCO

06-05-2009, 11:49 PM


07-05-2009, 03:37 AM
Ok as long as I read and test what you need is not supported yet by Catalyst architecture:
//trying to do pixeline with extra channels on the end.
// doesnt work with architecture
// <extrachannels index="1" fixedoutput="7" />

So long the solution I propouse to you is:
patch a custom fixture named EGFix place it anywhere you want on your grid that does not matter,
patch 4 RGB pixels in the order of your floor (my reason to patch pixel by pixel is the strage arrangement of your fixture matrix:
as long as I tried Cat only arrange pixels:
Maybe there is a way for make it your fixture way but I did not find it),
patch another EGFix
patch 4 RGB pixels in the order of your floor,
and so on...

I know this is a dirty way to make the workaround but due to architecture at the moment I think if a good solution.

Here is your EGFix to add to your XML file so you can patch EGFix:

<Fixture menuname="EGFix" uniqueid="EG01" excelexportid="EG01" pixelwidth="1" pixelheight="1" output="CUSTOM" comment="Made By Wodie" channelcount="1" channelsperpixel="3" orientation="BOTTOMRIGHT">
<channel index="1" fixedoutput="7"/>

That is all I think if you have further questions or any one have any comment please let me know I really preciate feedback.

Have a good show and let me know if it worked.

07-05-2009, 07:29 AM


Thanks for your support, I am going to make tests with your example, i hope that work well.

Also Emiliano.....thanks for yours commentaries..SALUTO....

This contributes valuable things for the best operation of Catalyst.

thanks... again.:):):)

07-05-2009, 07:37 AM
look at the SGM Palco in the examples . They are ( i think ) 8 channels but you see one DOT only in the screen . I'm sure there is a way to " blind" the channel . Look at SGM PALCO

where i look example of palco SGM?


07-05-2009, 03:29 PM
Hello Edgar !

the FixtureTypes.xml file it's inside the Catalyst Package .

To access inside it you need to right click on the Catalyst icon directly from the applications folder ( NOT FROM THE DOCK )

Once right clicked a menu will appear .

SELECT " Show content package " ( actually my OS is in italian but it should be similar to Show content package )

A new finder window will pop up .

Open the folder named " Contents "

Now open the folder named " Resources "

Scroll down until you find the file named " FixtureTypes.xml "

Hang on now .

Open Text edit , and once it's open in the dock .

Drag the FixtureTypes.xml on top of the text edit icon.

Now the FixtureTypes.xml should be open in the text edit app

and .... :) SGM Palco isn't there ....

I tough it was in there ! Never mind look at all the others examples you will find in the FixtureTypes.xml .


08-05-2009, 12:39 PM
Hi Edgar,

it is a little more complicated with your fixture - because it has 1 master intensity for 4 pixels.

I suggest you use a 2x2 RGB fixture and patch it always on the second DMX address of the fixture and use a 1 pixel intensity fixture that you always patch on the first address of the fixture.

So you have 2 fixtures in pixelmad for one (4 pixel) fixture in real world.

If you like to go a step ahead you might want to write your own fixture for the intensity channel - setting it to a fixed value <fixed output="255"> or linking it to the master intensity <output="MASTER_INT">