View Full Version : Bug reports

  1. Mirror mode crash
  2. Restart to all connected
  3. Color Mixing inverts along with image inversion
  4. Sync still stuttery
  5. 3.2_f17 Play loop reverse
  6. Keys B and N and T and Y not working
  7. f24 -etal removeable drives
  8. F28 playback speed
  9. 10.3.4 video input problems
  10. existing dongles
  11. *** More 10.3.4 issues
  12. f29 Bug Selecting NTSC input
  13. Pictures get´s strange position f29/10.3.4
  14. Can't Flip
  15. plugging or unplugging monitors
  16. Wierd random freezes
  17. Catalyst doesnt work with NVidia 6800
  18. Cat 3.3_g21_Pro Output 1 Screen bug?
  19. System Locks up overnight
  20. Diagnostic Display Screens
  21. 60Hz problem
  22. Sync above Layer 4
  23. Spurious DMX on CIB
  24. ctrl+c doesn't trigger preset #33
  25. Hog 3 position resolution
  26. library name with just a number
  27. Resolution Reset
  28. heat related crash freeze
  29. remote preview on layers 5-8
  30. audio problems
  31. Content problem
  32. Media Loop Audio Crash
  33. Can't burn DVD&Cd on lasted g5
  34. Catalyst4
  35. 3.31 problems?
  36. Timeline option in cuelist not working Cat4
  37. Finder Menu Bar
  38. upgrading dongle
  39. PB in Catalyst universal binaries
  40. Crossfade glitches after long cues
  41. Crash - ENTER button
  42. Video stops playing/ White flashes
  43. Scrabble tiles
  44. Time code on cue list - V4
  45. Comments on V4
  46. 2 things - 4.05_m45UB_HD
  47. Use Layer changes video input aspect
  48. 4.05_m47UB_HD
  49. playing image and difficoult to have costant 25.0 fps
  50. Catalyst won't go to inframe from play audio mode
  51. Catalyst won't always play from inframe to outframe
  52. Widescreen Issues?
  53. More Widescreen Issues
  54. Catalyst Artnet Input...
  55. Sync ID - dissapear???
  56. V4 Dongle - no driver?
  57. name on Blending
  58. Decklink SP keeps crashing
  59. PixelMad f65 good preset name on wwwRemote
  60. Sometimes audio doesn´t play
  61. Mac Book / pro TouchPad does not do doubleclick
  62. No poster frames on httphttp:/Images/000_000.jpg
  63. video input deinterlaced bug
  64. Remote does not sync in frame
  65. Catalyst v4 m67 beta 4
  66. Cat V4.06 m95 App quit moving mix1 in pixelmixes
  67. cat 4.06 m97UB_HD mix out of the screen
  68. Inframe problem
  69. cat v4.06 m97 beta 5 findings
  70. RGB do not work with CIB
  71. Text Dissapears
  72. Cat V4.06 m111HD
  73. Colour fx masking overrides Intensity
  74. Maximum Mix Sizes
  75. 4.10_116 keyboard bug
  76. Crashing in 4.05 m50UB
  77. Decklink video input
  78. Mix output problem
  79. Mix test questions
  80. DMX 1-1 Preset trigger offset?
  81. Library Folders Change on Resart
  82. Files which stop playing randomly
  83. Cat 4.06_m111UB_HD Crash
  84. triggering presets with midi
  85. TCP serial port wont connect every other restart
  86. Artnet Data Dropout
  87. LFG Input Colour FX problems
  88. Automatic Startup error
  89. Urgent - Not enough Pixelmad Universes
  90. m147 crash
  91. m 147 crash
  92. m152 Exiting Mix Options causes Crash
  93. m152 Reduced mix brightness on Mix2
  94. m152 Vid Mix and Website
  95. Mix Positions with THTG
  96. Please start testing 10.5.2
  97. m165 Unity scale bug
  98. poor playback performance -m171
  99. macbook opengl bug on 10.5.2
  100. Cat4.10_m119_UB_HD Crashing
  101. Cannot Scale a Layer with Keystone FX
  102. External MSC MIDI Triggering
  103. LFG Video Input Failure
  104. changing from content witch audio to Video input
  105. pixel collom 1 is missing.....
  106. Remote Broadcast Serial Output
  107. LFG crash
  108. Curved Screen Test Aspect Bug
  109. video input crash in 10.6.2 or thereabouts
  110. layers randomly flip and resize
  111. importing / exporting Pixel mad
  112. Strange Mix/Layer Behaviour
  113. Inframes not being triggered:
  114. MacBookPro i7 HUD display issues
  115. Version 4.4 m329 weird flashing on screens
  116. Right click on RGB pots get you "stuck" in an invisible text field
  117. user text (fx 97) points below the line in the text
  118. Mix goes missing!!
  119. Strange behavior by using 3d objects
  120. They go to white, some areas of the HUD
  121. crash on startup without monitor
  122. Phoenix Crash
  123. CRASH upon opening library
  124. Crash library
  125. Catalyst application crach
  126. Crash on Artnet
  127. Crash LFG
  128. Media Files Not Showing Up and Causing Crashes
  129. Mous whell Problem
  130. Crash with K5000
  131. Video Input FX greyed out
  132. Crash m364 on MacMini on Mountain Lion 10.8
  133. Crash with new user
  134. bug
  135. m364 OSX 10.8.5 crash during shot down
  136. Framestore Crash
  137. Export Show upgrade version...
  138. Cue List sticks on the same cue each night.
  139. Audio does not stop playing
  140. Catalyst Crash
  141. Preset Edit menu issue
  142. Layer failed to play loaded clip
  143. Mixmappingprefs problem