- Mirror mode crash
- Restart to all connected
- Color Mixing inverts along with image inversion
- Sync still stuttery
- 3.2_f17 Play loop reverse
- Keys B and N and T and Y not working
- f24 -etal removeable drives
- F28 playback speed
- 10.3.4 video input problems
- existing dongles
- *** More 10.3.4 issues
- f29 Bug Selecting NTSC input
- Pictures get´s strange position f29/10.3.4
- Can't Flip
- plugging or unplugging monitors
- Wierd random freezes
- Catalyst doesnt work with NVidia 6800
- Cat 3.3_g21_Pro Output 1 Screen bug?
- System Locks up overnight
- Diagnostic Display Screens
- 60Hz problem
- Sync above Layer 4
- Spurious DMX on CIB
- ctrl+c doesn't trigger preset #33
- Hog 3 position resolution
- library name with just a number
- Resolution Reset
- heat related crash freeze
- remote preview on layers 5-8
- audio problems
- Content problem
- Media Loop Audio Crash
- Can't burn DVD&Cd on lasted g5
- Catalyst4
- 3.31 problems?
- Timeline option in cuelist not working Cat4
- Finder Menu Bar
- upgrading dongle
- PB in Catalyst universal binaries
- Crossfade glitches after long cues
- Crash - ENTER button
- Video stops playing/ White flashes
- Scrabble tiles
- Time code on cue list - V4
- Comments on V4
- 2 things - 4.05_m45UB_HD
- Use Layer changes video input aspect
- 4.05_m47UB_HD
- playing image and difficoult to have costant 25.0 fps
- Catalyst won't go to inframe from play audio mode
- Catalyst won't always play from inframe to outframe
- Widescreen Issues?
- More Widescreen Issues
- Catalyst Artnet Input...
- Sync ID - dissapear???
- V4 Dongle - no driver?
- name on Blending
- Decklink SP keeps crashing
- PixelMad f65 good preset name on wwwRemote
- Sometimes audio doesn´t play
- Mac Book / pro TouchPad does not do doubleclick
- No poster frames on httphttp:/Images/000_000.jpg
- video input deinterlaced bug
- Remote does not sync in frame
- Catalyst v4 m67 beta 4
- Cat V4.06 m95 App quit moving mix1 in pixelmixes
- cat 4.06 m97UB_HD mix out of the screen
- Inframe problem
- cat v4.06 m97 beta 5 findings
- RGB do not work with CIB
- Text Dissapears
- Cat V4.06 m111HD
- Colour fx masking overrides Intensity
- Maximum Mix Sizes
- 4.10_116 keyboard bug
- Crashing in 4.05 m50UB
- Decklink video input
- Mix output problem
- Mix test questions
- DMX 1-1 Preset trigger offset?
- Library Folders Change on Resart
- Files which stop playing randomly
- Cat 4.06_m111UB_HD Crash
- triggering presets with midi
- TCP serial port wont connect every other restart
- Artnet Data Dropout
- LFG Input Colour FX problems
- Automatic Startup error
- Urgent - Not enough Pixelmad Universes
- m147 crash
- m 147 crash
- m152 Exiting Mix Options causes Crash
- m152 Reduced mix brightness on Mix2
- m152 Vid Mix and Website
- Mix Positions with THTG
- Please start testing 10.5.2
- m165 Unity scale bug
- poor playback performance -m171
- macbook opengl bug on 10.5.2
- Cat4.10_m119_UB_HD Crashing
- Cannot Scale a Layer with Keystone FX
- External MSC MIDI Triggering
- LFG Video Input Failure
- changing from content witch audio to Video input
- pixel collom 1 is missing.....
- Remote Broadcast Serial Output
- LFG crash
- Curved Screen Test Aspect Bug
- video input crash in 10.6.2 or thereabouts
- layers randomly flip and resize
- importing / exporting Pixel mad
- Strange Mix/Layer Behaviour
- Inframes not being triggered:
- MacBookPro i7 HUD display issues
- Version 4.4 m329 weird flashing on screens
- Right click on RGB pots get you "stuck" in an invisible text field
- user text (fx 97) points below the line in the text
- Mix goes missing!!
- Strange behavior by using 3d objects
- They go to white, some areas of the HUD
- crash on startup without monitor
- Phoenix Crash
- CRASH upon opening library
- Crash library
- Catalyst application crach
- Crash on Artnet
- Crash LFG
- Media Files Not Showing Up and Causing Crashes
- Mous whell Problem
- Crash with K5000
- Video Input FX greyed out
- Crash m364 on MacMini on Mountain Lion 10.8
- Crash with new user
- bug
- m364 OSX 10.8.5 crash during shot down
- Framestore Crash
- Export Show upgrade version...
- Cue List sticks on the same cue each night.
- Audio does not stop playing
- Catalyst Crash
- Preset Edit menu issue
- Layer failed to play loaded clip
- Mixmappingprefs problem